Martes, Agosto 11, 2015

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

            As teacher adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication technology, they must be clear on what basic knowledge, skills and values or literacies need to be developed by digital learners. These are:
1. Solution Fluency
            This refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving. It requires whole brain thinking executed when students define a problem, design the appropriate solution, apply the solution and asses the process and result.
2. Information Fluency
This involves 3 subsets of skills, namely;
a. An ability to access information, access may involve not only of the internet, but other sources like the CD-ROM software.
b. An ability to retrieve information, retrieve information may include not only texts but images, sound and video.
c. An ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information packages.

3. Collaboration
            This refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environrnent. There is virtual interaction in social networking and online gaming domains. Individual and school to school partnerships are now possible for multi-cultural learning.
4. Media Fluency
Media refer to channels of mass communication or digital sources. There is a need for an analytical mind to evaluate the message in a chosen media, as well as a creative ability to publish digital messages.
5. Creative Fluency
            Artistic proficiency adds meaning by way of design, art, and story-telling to package a message. Templates for PowerPoint presentations and blogs are available for free access in the internet.
6. Digital Ethics
            The digital citizen is guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizen, and personal accountability.
Higher Thinking Skills
            Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills serves as a general framework of skills, a new era of creativity in the digital world has led to introducing a kind of frame work that requires information processing, idea creation and real-world problem solving skills.
            f. Creating – new product/point of view
            e. Evaluating – justify stand or position
            d. Analyzing – distinguish different parts
            c. Applying – use information in a new way
            b. Understanding – explain ideas
            a. Remembering – recall information

            By developing higher thinking skills, the schools today can inculcate the digital fluencies, while overcoming limitations inherent in digital technology, resulting in superficial and mediocre learning sills of new learners.

            Educational technology 1 & 2 execute this kind of learning. They allow us to learn more through the aid of technology. They just giving us set of instructions and there we go, they will appear again just to evaluate our outcome. We’ve done through online class such as Edmodo. Various activities was also given to us such as PowerPoint presentation, photo editing, short filming, toondoo, rubistar, blogging, and podcasting.

            DepEd/CHED really tries their best to cope up the fast changing technology. In their new curriculum – outcome base, letting students to learn independently. Teacher then serves as the facilitator for the whole process. Developing basic digital skills is very important, for this is the stepping stone towards excellency. It is not lessing the burden of the teacher, rather, it is for the learners become a competitive individual through the aid of technology.


            What has been written in the book should not be only serves as knowledge of the students. Imparting true learning is quietly a complex process. As future educator, I will expose them to various activities involving basic digital skills because experience is very important. I should also acquire all those skills first so that it will not difficult for me to teach them. I will introduce to them how good technology is as a tool in learning, that is, working and learning makes more easier and faster. Limitation of technology must also presented so that they will not go beyond what has been taught to them.

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