Martes, Agosto 11, 2015

History of Educational Technology and the ICT Revolution

ICT is short for information and communications technology. It refers to a broad field encompassing computers, communications equipment and the services associated with them. It includes the telephone, cellular networks, satellite communication, broadcasting media and other forms of communication.
There are Characteristics of Digital Technology, namely; Media Integrity, Media Integration, Flexible Interaction, Transactions, Tailoring, and Editing.
Through the use of questioning, Socrates (and his students Plato and Zenophon) guide the learner to their inborn knowledge.
Focusing on the natural growth of the mind, Pestalozzian principles emphasized breaking content down into developmentally appropriate sequences with a teacher-centered approach.
A recurring issue throughout the history of education prior to the monitorial, free public school model was that social status often indicated whether individuals had access to education.
Although distance learning's most common connotation pertains to online learning, the stenograph and post office opened up opportunities to develop correspondence courses.
Although the teacher was still considered the sole source of knowledge, a variation of object-teaching was employed in Quincy, Massachusetts where students learned through sensory active processes (learning by doing), by using everyday objects to learn about abstract science principles.
Herbart’s framework identified levels of learning, which included first sensory activity, next reproduction of already existing ideas, and finally, assimilating the new concept with the old concept.
The need for mass instruction (training) for the military and the advent of audiovisual technology resulted in an impact on educational technology.
Joint efforts between the Federal Communications Commission and funding from Ford Foundation sparked an increase in using television to deliver instruction.
Gagne’s publication outlined five domains of learning outcomes and nine events of instruction.
IBM releases the first Personal Computer. As computers become more affordable, computers impact educational technology because the devices become integrated into various learning environments due to their educational software features and access to the Internet.
Providing a cost-effective method of training, satellites allows corporations and the military to transmit training programs to various locations. Cost for travel and extra employees to train was reduced.
Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web and the Mosaic Web browser, which lead to the graphic and text-rich world of the Internet. Initially, contribution to the Web was limited to individuals who could use HTML code.
Feedback and questioning strategies trace back as far as the Socratic Method; however, it was in the 1900s that wireless response systems (clickers) were used to receive feedback to questions in an educational setting.
Looking for an easy way to collaboratively publish a website, the first wiki was created in 1995.
International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) recognizes the influences technology has on education and develops National Education Technology Standards (NETS) for students, teachers, and administrators.
LMS platforms provide interactive software and online tools, such as discussion boards and drop boxes, to support instructional methods
Allowing readers worldwide to comment and participate in news has a major impact on society and educational technology because reading and discussion becomes more than a process limited to a small audience within the walls of the classroom.
FLIP CAMERAS (2008-2012)
Flip video camera is introduced as an affordable digital camcorder. Videos impact educational technology because students can create videos as performance assessments.

KHAN ACADEMY (2008-2012)
An online repository of over 3,000 instructional videos on YouTube, Khan Academy has impacted educational technology because content/courseware is open-sourcce and available to anyone.
Edmodo is an example of how teachers in traditional classrooms can integrate anytime, anywhere learning to promote collaboration in a secure environment that mimics Facebook.
Apple announces the iPad; a personal tablet with features including ePubs (eBooks), apps, and access to the Internet. Since the original iPad, Apple has impacted the field of educational technology by opening up iTunesU and iBook Author, which curates current content and allows easy creation of interactive books and content.

        The inventions of advent technology were really amazing. We actually already engaged in an online class. We can have a class activity wherever we are through EDMODO. We also gone through various activities such as audio-video recording, photo editing and short filming as a base of the skills learned. We also gathered factual information and resources through internet with the use of PC. By browsing the PDF files/research articles for additional information of for justification to the questions assigned to us.

         All advent of technology inventions directly impact to todays’ generation. They use it as a partner/tool in their learning style. However, it is very dangerous if not use properly. Crime might increase if that would happen. Teachers really need to take in to action, especially for those traditional teachers. This might take a little bit hard for them but they will be left behind if they would just set aside these things. Seminars and training would be beneficial especially nowadays that technology was changing faster, it’s unstoppable. Lots of people create inventions, place it to the market then sell it. Of course, we will going to adopt the new technology release because it is quite interesting especially the features. They are actually beneficial if use properly, but if not, it is very dangerous. Beware, be wise and intelligent enough towards technology.

          As future educator, there is really a need for me to attend seminars, training/workshops regarding this matter. So that I can have a good teaching-learning process with appropriate instructional materials especially with the advent of technology as a tool. Various activities will be presented to learners, allowing them to create, explore, construct, synthesize and come up with a good result. That is for them to develop higher order thinking skills through the aid of technology. Some activities also that develop a bodily kinesthetic skills and creativity will be presented. This will be very beneficial for them to be prepared for the next possible things that would come in, at least they already have the foundation of knowledge and skills they need.

Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology

         The advent of the computer is recognized as the third evolution in education. First was the invention of the printing press, second was the introduction of libraries, and the third was the invention of computers, especially so with the advent of microcomputer in 1975. Thus emerged computer technology in education. Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along computer literacy.
            Soon, computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was introduced using the principle of individualized learning through a positive climate that include realism and appeal with drill exercises that uses color, music and animation. But the evolving pace of innovation of today’s information age is so dynamic that within the first decade of the 21st century, computer technology in education has matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.
The Personal Computer as ICT
            Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhance and enrich the teaching-learning process. On the other hand, educational communication media comprise the media of communication to audiences. Close to the turn of 21st century, however, such a distinction merged owing to the advent of the microprocessor, also known as the personal computer (PC).
            Programs normally installed in an ordinary modern PC:
·         Microsoft Office – program for composing text, graphics, photos into letters, articles, reports, etc.
·         Power-point – for preparing lecture presentations
·         Excel – for spreadsheets and similar graphic sheets
·         Internet Explorer – access to the Internet
·         Yahoo or Google – websites; e-mail, chat rooms, blog sites, news service educational software, etc.
·         Adobe Reader – graphs/photo composition and editing
·         MSN – mail/chat messaging
·         Windows media player – CD, VCD player
·         Cyberlink Power – DVD player
·         Windows media player – editing film/video
·         GameHouse – video games

         Our teacher really tried their best to come up with an interactive teaching-learning process. They used technology as a tool not just to catch our attention but also to connect their topic to fast changing technology. Whenever they assigned a topic for us to report, they want a good source of the content, that is, if we surf it must be a form of PDF or a research article. Our teachers also construct an online class, that even we are at home, we can still send our assignments, answer some questions, and update the requirements posted. We could also have our conversation in that website – EDMODO. If we have comment or inquiry, we can discuss it through EDMODO. Distance learning is fun.

             There are lots of ways nowadays to conduct teaching-learning process. Distance is no longer a hindrance to learn and to teach. Since technology invaded the learning style of todays’ learners, why not using it as a tool in teaching-learning process.
            It is on the other hand the strategies and technique of the teacher that matter. Everything is already presented, the thing is the appropriate usage that is beneficial to make teaching-learning process more easier, understandable and fun.

          As future educator to 21st century learners, I really want to create an online class. I want to impart my experiences to my students how amazing it is having a class not only through face to face teaching-learning process but also through online activities. I will then be able to evaluate their skills not only what they acquire from my class between but also even we are at distance each other. I will do that not for my own sake but for them to expose to virtual learning so that they will not be ignorant especially in their college life.

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

            These projects represent constructivist approach, containing the key elements to instruction, namely: the teacher creating the learning environment, the teacher giving students the tools and facilities, and the teacher facilitating learning. It is the students themselves who demonstrate higher thinking skills and creativity through such activities searching for information, organizing and synthesizing ideas, creating presentations, and the like.
Resource-based Projects
            The teacher steps out of the traditional role of being a content expert and information provider, and instead lets the students find their own facts and information. Only when necessary for the active learning process does the teacher step in to supply data or information. Relating to finding information, the central principle is to make the students go beyond the textbook and curriculum materials. Students are also encouraged to go to library, particularly to the modern extension of the modern library, the internet. The process is given more importance tan the project product. It doesn’t matter if student come up with different answers, what matter is the varied resources of information, the line of thinking and the ability to argue in defe3nse of their answers.
Webquest as a Resource
            Webquest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by learners are drawn from the web. It is designed to use learners’ time well, to focus on information rather than looking for it. It also supports the learners’ thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Simple Creations
            Students can also be assigned to create their software materials to supplement the need for relevant and effective materials. There are available software materials such as Creative Writer (by Microsoft) on writing, KidWork Deluxe (by Davidson) on drawing and painting, and MeiaWeave (by Humanities Software) on multimedia. In developing software, creativity as an outcome should not be equated with ingenuity or high intelligence. Creating is more consonant with planning, making, assembling, designing or building.

Guided Hypermedia Project
            The production of self-made multimedia projects can be approached in two different ways:
            1. As an instructive tool, such as in the production by students of a power-point
presentation of a selected topic.
            2. As a communication tool, such as when students do a multimedia presentation to
simulate a television news show.

Web-Based Projects
            Students can be made to create and post webpages on a given topic. But creating webpages, may be too consuming and time consuming for the average student. It should be said, however, that posting of webpages in the Internet allows the students a wider audience. They can also be linked with other related sites in the Internet. Creativity projects as tools in the teaching-learning process can be achieved with the assistance of advisers a depth in the technical use of Internet resources.

          Some of our teacher exposed us to IT-based approach. One of it is that uploading reading material (PDF) to Gmail and let us to download and take a copy. Teacher nowadays always let us to come up with a good power-point presentation in every topic that they assigned to us. We also have our CERA output and to be uploaded to We also have EDMODO before, photo editing, audio-video recording, and many more. That is to enhance higher thinking skills through IT-based projects.

         Future educator must be expose to this kind of activity, because 21st century learners are different from traditional learners. They are more advance and more expose to technology. Teaching through traditional style is no longer appropriate to 21st century learners. They will not really listen to you at all, they will be bored at your discussion, they might not learn, and that’s the most crucial thing to happen. But future educator will not allow that to happen. Of course, we are trying our very best in spite of difficulties. Because we believe that someday we will be able to produce a productive individual no matter how advance the society is.


            This entire thing is hard to do especially if I will be assigned in the remote areas. But I have this kind of initiative person. If that would happen, I will introduce first the basic digital sills. I can use my laptop and pocket wifi just to show to them all the experiences I have during college. However, I am also a kind of flexible person. I will expose them to various activities just to enhance their higher thinking skills such as investigatory projects, research paper, experimentations, but somehow involving IT-based projects such as power-point presentation, video-audio recording and many more.

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning

              The standard student evaluation of learning must change. This is justified by the fact that not only has the new generation changed into digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into a digital world. Assessment needs to conform, not with the literacy of the past century but the new literacy of the 21st century. This is a literacy that uses digital tools in preparing students to a high-tech world.
            Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively and creatively in a new world. It must use evaluative tools that measure the new basic skills of the 21st century digital culture, namely: solution fluency, information fluency, collaboration fluency, creative fluency, media fluency and digital citizenship.
Mass Amateurization
            This refers to the change of evaluation approach. A term which implies a mass reach of students outputs. The personal and group creative activities in school should aim at bridging the gap between amateur creatures of outputs to professional creatures for future outcomes and products in the real world. This will entail inculcating adeptness among students over media along publishing, visual creation, audio-video recording, Internet web site posting, and multimedia productions. The process does not entail the end of traditional report and essay writing, but the writing process will now have to assume the process of idea conception, planning, layout and graphic designing, editing proofreading and publishing. Relevance and engagement shall be carried both in the learning process, as well as in the evaluation schemes of new digital expressions in learning.

        Out teacher in different subjects adopt these changes in evaluation but depending on the topic discussed. Some of them let us to come up with a good role playing in the connection to a real life situation. Some of them is PowerPoint presentation, research paper, photo editing, short filming, audio-video recording and site posting. They also have these set of criteria on evaluating the output. This is called the rubric.

         Teacher nowadays shift their evaluation style from standard paper test to outcome base evaluation. That is to monitor if the students really learn. Learning from various activities presented through the aid of technology is quite hard to evaluate or monitor through standard paper test. We can only say or conclude if the students really learn through their good outcome. Some students are just good in reading and memorizing but don’t have enough skills in application. Today’s 21st century, students must not be like that, the teacher must work for it since school is their training ground. Learning with experience is fun, therefore, teacher must be flexible in terms of strategy on evaluating students outputs.


            As future educator, I should set a type of evaluation which is in line to the activity presented. As a science teacher, I will make sure that my activity is more on application so that students could relate it to real life situation. Some activity would be investigatory project, role playing, experimenting, etc. That is to monitor the level of their learning. Through this, I will be able to help them be prepared to face future event of their lives.

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

            As teacher adjust their teaching to effectively match the new digital world of information and communication technology, they must be clear on what basic knowledge, skills and values or literacies need to be developed by digital learners. These are:
1. Solution Fluency
            This refers to the capacity and creativity in problem solving. It requires whole brain thinking executed when students define a problem, design the appropriate solution, apply the solution and asses the process and result.
2. Information Fluency
This involves 3 subsets of skills, namely;
a. An ability to access information, access may involve not only of the internet, but other sources like the CD-ROM software.
b. An ability to retrieve information, retrieve information may include not only texts but images, sound and video.
c. An ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information packages.

3. Collaboration
            This refers to teamwork with virtual or real partners in the online environrnent. There is virtual interaction in social networking and online gaming domains. Individual and school to school partnerships are now possible for multi-cultural learning.
4. Media Fluency
Media refer to channels of mass communication or digital sources. There is a need for an analytical mind to evaluate the message in a chosen media, as well as a creative ability to publish digital messages.
5. Creative Fluency
            Artistic proficiency adds meaning by way of design, art, and story-telling to package a message. Templates for PowerPoint presentations and blogs are available for free access in the internet.
6. Digital Ethics
            The digital citizen is guided by principles of leadership, global responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizen, and personal accountability.
Higher Thinking Skills
            Bloom’s Taxonomy of Thinking Skills serves as a general framework of skills, a new era of creativity in the digital world has led to introducing a kind of frame work that requires information processing, idea creation and real-world problem solving skills.
            f. Creating – new product/point of view
            e. Evaluating – justify stand or position
            d. Analyzing – distinguish different parts
            c. Applying – use information in a new way
            b. Understanding – explain ideas
            a. Remembering – recall information

            By developing higher thinking skills, the schools today can inculcate the digital fluencies, while overcoming limitations inherent in digital technology, resulting in superficial and mediocre learning sills of new learners.

            Educational technology 1 & 2 execute this kind of learning. They allow us to learn more through the aid of technology. They just giving us set of instructions and there we go, they will appear again just to evaluate our outcome. We’ve done through online class such as Edmodo. Various activities was also given to us such as PowerPoint presentation, photo editing, short filming, toondoo, rubistar, blogging, and podcasting.

            DepEd/CHED really tries their best to cope up the fast changing technology. In their new curriculum – outcome base, letting students to learn independently. Teacher then serves as the facilitator for the whole process. Developing basic digital skills is very important, for this is the stepping stone towards excellency. It is not lessing the burden of the teacher, rather, it is for the learners become a competitive individual through the aid of technology.


            What has been written in the book should not be only serves as knowledge of the students. Imparting true learning is quietly a complex process. As future educator, I will expose them to various activities involving basic digital skills because experience is very important. I should also acquire all those skills first so that it will not difficult for me to teach them. I will introduce to them how good technology is as a tool in learning, that is, working and learning makes more easier and faster. Limitation of technology must also presented so that they will not go beyond what has been taught to them.

Lunes, Agosto 10, 2015

Lesson 5: Preference of the Technology Generation


           What the old generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in their life, work and leisure. The state dictates educational priorities based on perceptions on the country’s need to strengthen its agricultural, business or industrial economy. In the field of education, it is important that critical differences in perceptions between old and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed.
Single and multi-tract activity patterns
            The old generation has availed of slow and single-tract pattern of activities. On the other hand, the new generation is exposed to technology with adeptness and task-switching speed.
Texts versus visual
            Our parents read book texts, enriched by illustrations and photos. They go to school library and borrow books for home reading. The digital generation has greater affinity to visuals compared to text. They have been exposed that their visual fluency or abilities have been sharpened and enhanced.
Linear versus hyper media
            The past 30 year old generation has obtained information in a linear, logical and sequential manner. The new generation follows a personal random access to hyperlinked digital information, less superior to elders in focus and reflection.
Independent versus social learners
            The traditional education system gives priority to independent learning, prior to participative work. New learners, however, are already acquainted with digital tools that adopt to both personal and participative work.
Learning to do versus learning to past the test
            Old teacher teach students in order to help them pass test and complete the course requirement. On the other hand, the new digital learners simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge and habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn.
Delayed rewards versus instant gratification
            The traditional reward system in education consists in the grades, honor certificates/medals, and diplomas. However, digital learners on their own experience more immediate gratification through immediate score through technology.

Rote memory versus fun learning
            Teachers feel obliged to delivering content-based courses, the learning of which is measurable by standard tests. Digital learners prefer fun learning which is relevant and instantaneously.

            I did not experience very well the use of technology in teaching-learning process during high school life. Few teachers only did it depending on their lesson. Because we are context base, therefore, we really need to scan books always. But my learning styles actually change as I start to enter college life. Teacher used technology as a tool to adopt the fast changing technology. Gave us various activity both actual and online. That is, involving us through the aid of technology, making the lesson easy to understand and learning is fun.

            Teachers nowadays had traditional style in terms of teaching-learning process in their generation. Unlike present generation, it is not anymore applicable since technology invaded the learning style of today’s learners. Teachers then must adopt the fast changing technology and use it as a tool in teaching-learning process to enhance student’s ability to learn.
            Since present curriculum focuses on outcome base to monitor student’s progress, it has something to do with the teaching strategies and style of the teacher. Teacher must only be a facilitator in the whole process, making it fun to catch learner’s attention and motivating them to learn.


            As a future teacher, I will not limit myself if it means the goodness of my students. Teaching is the most crucial thing to do because what we have taught will be the reference of the learners as they go on their lives. I will expose them to various activities that could enhance their higher order thinking skills. Involving them to activity allows them to learn not just for a month but they will bring it for the rest of their life.